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Textual Markdown Browser - Demo

This Markdown file contains some examples of Markdown widgets.


Headers levels 1 through 6 are supported.

This is H3

This is H3 Content

This is H4

Header level 4 content. Drilling down in to finer headings.

This is H5

Header level 5 content.

This is H6

Header level 6 content.


The usual Markdown typography is supported. The exact output depends on your terminal, although most are fairly consistent.


Emphasis is rendered with *asterisks*, and looks like this;


Use two asterisks to indicate strong which renders in bold, e.g. **strong** render strong.


Two tildes indicates strikethrough, e.g. ~~cross out~~ render cross out.

Inline code

Inline code is indicated by backticks. e.g. import this.

Horizontal rule

Draw a horizontal rule with three dashes (---).

Good for natural breaks in the content, that don’t require another header.


  1. Lists can be ordered
  2. Lists can be unordered
    • I must not fear.
      • Fear is the mind-killer.
        • Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
          • I will face my fear.
            • I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
      • And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
    • Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

Longer list

  1. Duke Leto I Atreides, head of House Atreides
  2. Lady Jessica, Bene Gesserit and concubine of Leto, and mother of Paul and Alia
  3. Paul Atreides, son of Leto and Jessica
  4. Alia Atreides, daughter of Leto and Jessica
  5. Gurney Halleck, troubadour warrior of House Atreides
  6. Thufir Hawat, Mentat and Master of Assassins of House Atreides
  7. Duncan Idaho, swordmaster of House Atreides
  8. Dr. Wellington Yueh, Suk doctor of House Atreides
  9. Leto, first son of Paul and Chani who dies as a toddler
  10. Esmar Tuek, a smuggler on Arrakis
  11. Staban Tuek, son of Esmar


Fenced code blocks are introduced with three back-ticks and the optional parser. Here we are rendering the code in a sub-widget with syntax highlighting and indent guides.

In the future I think we could add controls to export the code, copy to the clipboard. Heck, even run it and show the output?

def split(self, cut_x: int, cut_y: int) -> tuple[Region, Region, Region, Region]:
    """Split a region in to 4 from given x and y offsets (cuts).

                cut_x ↓
            ┌────────┐ ┌───┐
            │        │ │   │
            │    0   │ │ 1 │
            │        │ │   │
    cut_y → └────────┘ └───┘
            ┌────────┐ ┌───┐
            │    2   │ │ 3 │
            └────────┘ └───┘

        cut_x (int): Offset from self.x where the cut should be made. If negative, the cut
            is taken from the right edge.
        cut_y (int): Offset from self.y where the cut should be made. If negative, the cut
            is taken from the lower edge.

        tuple[Region, Region, Region, Region]: Four new regions which add up to the original (self).

    x, y, width, height = self
    if cut_x < 0:
        cut_x = width + cut_x
    if cut_y < 0:
        cut_y = height + cut_y

    _Region = Region
    return (
        _Region(x, y, cut_x, cut_y),
        _Region(x + cut_x, y, width - cut_x, cut_y),
        _Region(x, y + cut_y, cut_x, height - cut_y),
        _Region(x + cut_x, y + cut_y, width - cut_x, height - cut_y),


Quotes are introduced with a chevron, and render like this:

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

Quotes nest nicely. Here’s what quotes within quotes look like:

I must not fear.

Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear.

I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.


Tables are supported, and render as a Rich table.

I would like to add controls to these widgets to export the table as CSV, which I think would be a nice feature. In the future we might also have sortable columns by clicking on the headers.

show_headerboolTrueShow the table header
fixed_rowsint0Number of fixed rows
fixed_columnsint0Number of fixed columns
zebra_stripesboolFalseDisplay alternating colors on rows
header_heightint1Height of header row
show_cursorboolTrueShow a cell cursor